Developing leaders For

A changing world

JCI Bangladesh

JCI Bangladesh is a leading youth organization focused on developing active citizens and creating positive change. Founded in 1998, they have over 5,000 members across 40 Local Organizations (LOs).

Their mission: Equip young people with the skills and resources to become effective leaders who drive social and economic progress.

JCI Bangladesh

JCI Bangladesh is a leading youth organization focused on developing active citizens and creating positive change. Founded in 1998, they have over 5,000 members across 40 Local Organizations (LOs).

Their mission: Equip young people with the skills and resources to become effective leaders who drive social and economic progress.[more]

Key areas of focus:

  • Economic empowerment

  • Leadership development 

  • Sustainability initiatives (water conservation, green projects)

  • Youth & mental health awareness

  • Fostering inclusion

  • Supporting young entrepreneurs: JCI Bangladesh actively promotes youth entrepreneurship by providing resources and events to help young business owners achieve impactful results. This focus also strengthens JCI's brand image as a progressive organization.

Building a Strong Foundation:

JCI Bangladesh is committed to significant growth. They leverage social media and partnerships with government and non-government entities to amplify their reach and impact. To achieve their ambitious goals of 100% growth in 3 years and 300% in 5 years, they've implemented several initiatives:

  • Engaging Events: JCI Bangladesh organizes a variety of events throughout the year, including carnivals, half marathons, cultural celebrations, and leadership conferences.

  • Centralized Support: To ensure smooth operations across local organizations, they've opened a new central office in the capital city.

  • Enhanced Membership: JCI Bangladesh launched a membership program offering exclusive benefits and high-quality training opportunities for its members.

Their vision: To become the premier platform for engaging young leaders in Bangladesh.

Message from 2024

Dear JCI Bangladesh Family,

It's an honor to serve as your 2024 National President! JCI Bangladesh has a phenomenal track record, and I'm thrilled to lead this organization that tirelessly cultivates leaders and drives positive change in our communities.

As Bangladesh celebrates 53 years of independence, let's reflect on JCI's incredible contribution. From empowering young leaders to tackling sustainability challenges and fostering international collaboration, JCI Bangladesh has consistently delivered impactful results for our nation. 

Message from 2024

Dear JCI Bangladesh Family,

It's an honor to serve as your 2024 National President! JCI Bangladesh has a phenomenal track record, and I'm thrilled to lead this organization that tirelessly cultivates leaders and drives positive change in our communities.

As Bangladesh celebrates 53 years of independence, let's reflect on JCI's incredible contribution. From empowering young leaders to tackling sustainability challenges and fostering international collaboration, JCI Bangladesh has consistently delivered impactful results for our nation. 

In 2024, we'll build upon this legacy with a renewed focus on leadership development, equipping young people with the skills and vision to lead our future. We'll address critical issues like water conservation with innovative solutions and prioritize mental health awareness by breaking down stigmas. JCI Bangladesh will also work diligently to bring together individuals from different sectors, fostering collaboration across industries to create meaningful partnerships.

JCI Bangladesh's remarkable growth wouldn't be possible without YOU, our dedicated members. Your unwavering passion and commitment fuel our success. Together, we've amplified our voice, advocated for change, and made a real difference in countless lives.

Looking ahead, I have unwavering faith in our passionate members. Together, we'll continue to set ambitious goals, dream big, and tackle society's critical challenges. Let's remain united in our vision – a more inclusive and empowered future for all. With your unwavering support, I have no doubt we'll reach new heights of success.

Here's to an exciting journey together!


Yours in JCI,

Imran Kadir

2024 National President

JCI Bangladesh


Development Opportunities

It’s Time To Achieve More.

Develop yourself with various opportunities by joining one of our local chapters. Get practical
experiences while participating in local projects.





JCI Bangladesh
Local Organizations

Junior Chamber International, or JCI, empowers young people to be active leaders and create positive change on a global scale. The organization achieves this through a network of Local Organizations (LOs). Think of JCI as a giant tree – the LOs, typically based in specific cities or regions, are the strong roots that anchor it. These local chapters are the heart of JCI's work. They're where young people connect, participate in JCI programs, and address local challenges that fit within JCI's broader mission. In essence, JCI provides the framework and resources, while Local Organizations translate those tools into action within their communities.

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We Have Over 50 Years
Presence In Bangladesh

We are young enterprise leaders.


Worldwide members


Member in Bangladesh


National Organizations


Local Organization in Bangladesh

What Industry Leaders Say
JCI Bangladesh

Let’s visit our most recent user testimonial

“Harvard gave me an educational, but Junior Chamber gave me an education for life.”

Mainul Islam
- Director of Engineering

“Harvard gave me an educational, but Junior Chamber gave me an education for life.”

Mainul Islam
- Director of Engineering